Binomial system of nomenclature

Binomial system of nomenclature

Carolus Linnaeus proposed binomial  system of  nomenclature or binomial system of nomenclature was proposed by Carolus Linnaeus. Carolus Linnaeus was a sweedern botanist. He gave some rules and regulations for Nomenclature.

What is the binomial naming system?

The binomial system of nomenclature or binomial naming system of species uses Latin. Each name has two part Genus and species. The Genus name of species write in capital letter and the species name write in small letter. For example, Tomato belong to the genus Lycopersicum and the species belong to esculentum. So the scientific name is Lycopersicum esculentum.

How do you write a scientific name

Nomenclature means that charact naming of plants.  A plants has different name in different languages further more the same name may be given to different region. There must be a name which is exceptable in all countries. Such they are called scientific name.

Also read- International code of botanical nomenclature

The scientific name was polygonal in the begining. It means that plant may be consist of many words. These name are dificult to learn. Therefore it needs to be given a shorter and simpler name. Which is easy to remember by all. Which are easily accepted worldwide.

Binomial system of nomenclature
Source wikipedia


He is a physician of sweedern. He started a new binomial system of nomenclature. The binomial name of plant has only two words. The first words is generic and second name is species name.


The Rules of binomial nomenclature are as follow-

1) All binomial name are on latin language because it is a died language.

2) The name of genes is started with capital letter and species start with small letter.

3) They are botanical name also underlined when written by hands.

4) Totonames are not allowed in botanical name.

Also read- History of taxonomy

Example of Binomial Nomenclature

Some example of binomial Nomenclature are as follow-

Local name  Scientific name 
 Soya bean   Glycine max 
 Pea Plant   Pisum sativum 
 Wheat Plant     Triticum aestivum 
  Onion   Allium cepa

Key Questions

Q-1What is binomial Nomenclature example?
 Local name  Scientific name 
 Tomato   Lycopersicum esculentum 
 Potato   solanum tuberosum
 Capsicum   Capsicum annum 
 Solanum melongena

Q-2-Who introduced binomial Nomenclature?

Q-3-Why is binomial Nomenclature used?
Ans-  Binomial nomenclature is used to give a particular scientific name which is world widely used.

Q-4-How do you write a scientific name?
Ans- If you want to write a scientific name, you should follow the instructions below;

The Rules of binomial nomenclature are as follow-

1) All binomial name are on latin language because it is a died language.
2) The name of genes is started with capital letter and species start with small letter.
3) They are botanical name also underlined when written by hands.
4) Totonames are not allowed in botanical name.

Q-5-Principle of binomial nomenclature?
Ans- The Rules of binomial nomenclature are as follow-

1) All binomial name are on latin language because it is a died language.
2) The name of genes is started with capital letter and species start with small letter.
3) They are botanical name also underlined when written by hands.
4) Totonames are not allowed in botanical name.

Q-6-Importance of binomial nomenclature?
The scientific name was polygonal in the begining. It means that plant may be consist of many words. These name are dificult to learn. Therefore it needs to be given a shorter and simpler name. Which is easy to remember by all. Which are easily accepted worldwide.

Q-7-What is the binomial naming system?
Ans- The binomial system of nomenclature or binomial naming system of species uses Latin. Each name has two part Genus and species. The Genus name of species write in capital letter and the species name write in small letter. For example, Tomato belong to the genus Lycopersicum and the species belong to esculentum. So the scientific name is Lycopersicum esculentum.

Q-8-What are the main principle of binomial nomenclature?
The Rules of binomial nomenclature are as follow-

1) All binomial name are on latin language because it is a died language.
2) The name of genes is started with capital letter and species start with small letter.
3) They are botanical name also underlined when written by hands.
4) Totonames are not allowed in botanical name.

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