Thallus organization in fungi

Thallus organization in fungi

Fungal Kingdom:-
Fungal kingdom is divided in to two division.
Division First :- Myxomycota
Example :- Slime molds
Division Second :- Eumycota
Example :- True fungi

In slime molds thallus is naked amoeboid mass of protoplasm called plasmodium.

Also read- Reproduction in fungi

True fungi has true cell wall.
1.Unicellular & Holocarpic
2.Multicellular & Eucarpic

1.Unicellular:- Unicellular organization occur in some fungal groups. The most widely known are the yeast. Unicellular organization can be found in several fungi with motile zoospores in their life cycles. In Kingdom Fungi only the chytrids have both sexual and asexual motile flagellar cell which are generally posterior whiplash opisthokonts.

2.Multicellular :- Multicellular fungi reproduce by making spores. Mold is a multicellular fungus. It consists of filaments called hyphae that can bunch together in to structure called mycelia.

Also Read - Structure of fungi 

Hypha:- Fungus body made of tiny filaments called hyphae. Group of hyphae are called mycelium.
Hyphae are three types.
1) Uninucleate
2) Binucleate
3) Multinucleate

Septa:- Septa are two types.
Ex:- Ascomycotina

Thallus organization in fungi, septa with simple pore


Ex:- Basidiomycotina

Thallus organization in fungi, septa with dolipore


1) Plectenchyma:- The mycelium is organised in to a loosely or compactly wooven tissue. This types of organization are called plectenchyma.
This are two types.
A) Prosenchyma:- These are lossely wooven tissue, hyphae like parallel.

Modification of mycelium, prosenchymal tissue

B) Pseudoparenchyma:- These are compactly wooven tissue.

Modification of mycelium, pseudoparenchyma

2) Sclerotia:- This is hard pseudoparenchymous cell. These are resting bodies formed in some plant pathogenic fungi.
Ex:- Claviceps

Modification of mycelium, sclerotia types

3) Rhizomorphs:- These are thick brown rope like coiled structure. They resembling a fine loop of a tree.

Rhizomorphs has a central pore and rind. 
Central pore is made of large thin wall elongated cells. Rind is made up of small thick wall cell with dark pigment Rhizomorphs as a apical meristem.

Modification of mycelium, Rhizomorphs types

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