The history of plant taxonomy can be study in 4 phases.

1) Explotrary phase
2) Consolibation phase
3) Bio-Systematic phase
4) Holotaxonomic phase

1) Explotrary phase:-

a) Theophrastus:- Published a book enquiry in to plant.

b)  The first herbarium was specialized 1533 in Padva Italy.

c)  Bubhin, John Ray they have concept of species synonyms classification and nomenclature.

d) Linn:- Species plantarum and introduced bionomial nomenclature.

2) Consolibation Phase:- 

The phase worked by publication a number of monomental works on plant classification.

a) De-Kendulle:- Modified Linn.  Classification

b) Benthem and hooker:- Published genera plantarun and introduced natural system of classification.

c) Charles darvin(1859):- Published a book the origin of species.

d) Dobzhansky:- Published biological species concept.

e) Engler and Prantl(1937):- Suggested semi phylogenetic system.

f)  John Hutchinsion:- He gave 24 principle of phylogeny published a book Family of flowering plants 1959.

g) Takhtajan:- Origin and dispursal 1969.

h) Cronquiest:- In immunation and classification of flowering plants.
Technique of herbarium preparation and presentation.

3) Bio-Systematic Phase:-

a) Huxley(1940):- 

Purposed the term new systematic phase.

b) Camp and Gilly(1943):- 

Purposed the term Bio-Systematic to new systematic.
The development of many technique like paper chromatography detains, and sequences of amino acids DNA and RNA.

4) Holotaxonomic Phase:- 

Collection of data analysis and synthesized numerical taxonomy is known as qualtative taxonomy.

Key Questions

  1. What is the history of taxonomy?
  2. Who invented the taxonomy?
  3. Who is the father of taxonomy and why?
  4. Taxonomy Classification?
  5. Describe evolutionary history of taxonomy in breief?

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