1.  Fungus are Eukaryotic.

2. Fungus are Decomposers.

3. No chlorophyll -Non photosynthetic.

4. Most multicellular (hyphae) -Some unicellular (yeast).

Fungus, general characteristics of fungus

5. Cell wall made of chitin instead of cellulose like that of a plant.

6.  Are more related to animals than plant  kingdom.

7. Lack true roots,  leaves and stems.

8. Absorptive hetrotrophs-Digest food externally and then absorb it.

9. Lack of chlorophyll affects the lifestyle of fungi.

Fungus, general characteristics of fungus

10. Not dependent on light.

11. Can occupy dark habitats.

12. Can grow in any direction.

13. Can invade the anterior of

14. A substrate with

15. Absorptive filament

16. Body of fungus made of tiny filaments or tubers called hyphae. Each hyphae is one continuous cell.

17. Mycelium increase the surface area of the fungi to absorb more nutrients.

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