Tikka disease

Tikka disease of groundnut

Class  Deuteromycetes 
Sub-Class  Hypemycitidae
Order Moniliales
Family Dematiaceae
Pathogen Cercosporidium personatum 


  1. The disease appears as two distinct type of leaf spots cause by two species of Cercospora.
  2. The groundnut leaf is infected by Cercospora archidicola show circular to irregular 1 to 10mm spores with a raddish brown to a black nacrotic area.
  3. Spots appears as a result of infection by Cercospora personata are smaller circular and dark brown to black in colour which enlarges upto about, 1-10 mm in diameter.
Tikka disease of groundnut
Source Biology reader

Causal Organism

  1. Cercosporidium personatum earlier known as Cercospora personatum.
  2. Perfect stage Mycosphaerella Berkeley Jenkins.
  3. Cercospora archidicola perfect stage Mycosphaerella.
  4. Mycellium is restricted mostly in lesons first appears be intercellular which later turn in to intercellular.
  5. Haustoria are produce.
  6. Conidiospores are developed from Brown to black colour stroma rapturing the Epidermis.
  7. Conidiophore is one to septate un-branched measuring 54-60 microne, heaving know joints.
  8. Conidium formation, start at the tip of conidiophore.
  9. Conidium is haline pole yellow to dark filly form and multi celled (4-12 septae) with rounded or truncate base and subaccute tip.

Disease Cycle

  1. Primary infection occurs through conidia carried over the plants devaries or by seeds.
  2. The fungus spread through the air born conidia the role of perfect stage in perpeturing the disease in India is not fully known.


  1. Field sanitation
  2. Folior spray - Diethoin M²², Fygol QE, Diethain Z78.
  3. Use resistance variety.

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