Red rot of Sugarcane | Causal organism

Red rot of Sugarcane | Causal organism

  1. Red rot is a serious disease of sugarcane is sub-tropical parted of the world.
  2. In India the disease attacks canes in field.
  3. In the first time it occurred in U.P & Bihar during 1939-1940 and 1946-1947.

Red rot of sugarcane symptoms -

  1. The disease appear on all above ground part but stems and midrib arises of leafs are most affected in earlier stage dropping of leaf and the loss of their colour can be seen in the field
  2. Later the cane also starts developing the symptoms.
  3. The canes are completely rotted within the wind losses.
  4. It's natural bright colour becomes Dule and shrinks at the nodes.
  5. On the midrib of leafs infection  origenates as a dark raddish area.
Red rod of sugarcane is caused by, Red rot of sugarcane
Red rot of sugarcane

Red rot of sugarcane is caused by 

  1. The disease cause by Colletotrichum falcatum.
  2. The Mycelium once inside the host grows rapidly.
  3. Hypha are cylendrical branched septate colourless inter and intra cellular.
  4. The hypha produce the large no of chlamydospores in the pith.
  5. These can survive in soil for a long time.
  6. The hypha collect beneath the Epidermis and form a strong of den cell.
  7. Conidia are disseminated by wind rain or water of irregstion rain drops, splash and insects.
  8. They germinates soon presence of water and may spread the disease by new healthy tissue of host plant.

Controls of Red rot of sugarcane 

  1. Field sanitation
  2. Use of healthy sets
  3. Crop rotation should be used
  4. Use of resistance varieties

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