powdery mildew of grapes

Powdery mildew of grapes

Class  Ascomycetes
 Sub-Class   Hymenomycetidae 
 Order  Erysiphales
 Family  Erysiphaceae
 Pathogen  Uncinula necator
 Host plant   Grapes

The disease powdery mildew of grapes is world-wide in distribution. In India the disease powdery mildew of grapes appears in epidermic form periodically after some year causing great loose to the crop of grapes.

powdery mildew symptoms

  1. Small white patch appear on the follier parts which in advance stage cover whole leaves surface flower, fruits and stem parts.
  2. The infection result in clorosis malformation and defoliation of leaves, dwarfing by the host plant as well as deformed barriers.

powdery mildew of grapes
powdery mildew of grapes

Causal Organism of powdery mildew of grapes

  1. Uncinula necator
  2. Conidia are oval and are produce on errect conidiospores.

Disease Cycle of powdery mildew of grapes

  1. Fungus is an obligate parasites.
  2. Disease Cycle is not well understand.
  3. It is presumed that in India condition pathogen survives the off season through conidia and hyphal mats on plants debris.
powdery mildew of grapes
Life cycle of powdery mildew of grapes 

Powdery mildew treatment 

  1. Predically spray of Bordaux mixture prior to blossming and before the ripining of fruits is recommended sulphur distings is also found effecting.

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