Polysaccharides are composed of several monosacchrides unit joint together by glycosidic bonds. Mostly the monosacchrides unit is D-Glucose, D-Fructose, D-Galactose etc.
The monosacchrides may be similar (Homopolysacchrides) or different (Heteropolysaccrides) starch glycogen are example of Homopolysacchrides and cellulose, chitin, pectin are heteropolysacchrides. These are tasteless, colourless and little soluble in water.


Starch is high molecular weight polysaccharides made of amylase and amylopectin. The amylase is unbranched chain of 300 to 1000 alpha-D Glucose unit with 1 to 4 glycosidic bond. The amylopectin is branch like and 1 to 6 glycosidic bond. The ratio of amylase and amylopectin may be in maize 20 to 80. The starch is storage carbohydrates of plants it occurs as grain 1micron rice to 100micron potato size in amyloplast. The grain contain 20% water, 10%. is chemically bound to starch.


The glycogen is storage carbohydrates of animal. It is found in liver and muscles in the liver it split to glucose which maintain the level of blood.


Cellulose is composed of 1600-4700 Beta-D, Glucose unit with 1 to 4 glycosidic bond. It is long thread like molecules. It is major structural polysaccharides of plant, by hydrolysis it yield a series of oligosacchrides as cellobiose, cellotriose, cellotetrose etc. Complete hydrolysis about 95% of weight of cellulose as glucose.


It is unbranched molecules about 30 to 35 D-Fructose inulin obtained Jerusalem artichoke rhizome.


Carbohydrates are structural organization of many tissues both in plant and animal primary cell wall in plant contains about 43% of cellulose. Lignin also present chitin hydluronin acid chondriotin sulphate are polysaccharides of animal which found Crab and insect and also in Cortilage adult bones, hurt walve and chornia.


The starch is synthesis form of activated glucose unit. A.T.P and D.T.P. Serve as energy donor glucose derived from sucrose or fructose. The metal product is amylase which is arranged in complete amylopectin.

Glycogen is synthesized from U.T.P activated glucose unit as a result U.P.P is released.

The chain added by different enzyme in carbohydrates of chief source of energy in living cell it hydrolysed and field carbon di oxide and Water and A.T.P. It divided into two series of reaction as glycolysis and kreb cycle.