Wilt of cotton | Wilt disease of cotton

Wilt of cotton | Wilt disease of cotton

  1. In India the disease is confined to central part of the country where occur the black cotton soils.
  2. These soils are heavy clay with pH 7.6-7.8.
  3. The disease uncommon to rare in light alkaline or long soils.

Wilt of cotton symptoms 

  1. Wilting is characterised by yellowing withering drying of leafs following by drying of entire plant or of some branches.
  2. Often the disease plant has stunted with smaller leaves.
  3. Disease plant may be seen as isolated patches in the field.

Fusarium wilt of cotton, wilt disease of cotton
Fusarium wilt of cotton

Wilt of cotton causal organism

  1. Wilt of cotton is caused by Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium vasinfectum
  2. Arial Mycelium white to greyish, white or bluish purple forming a mat on the coller region of stem near the ground lable.
  3. Hypha are interested as well as intercellular.
  4. Hypha run across the cells growing rapidly along the inner wall of xylem vessels.
  5. Conidiospores develops in sporodochia pinnates or even directly on the Mycelium.
  6. Conidiospores are verticulattery branch producing microconidia.
  7. Microconidia are elliptic and unicellular 5-12 × 2-3.5 um which are common.
  8. The disease is soil born and fungus survives on stubbles of disesase plants.
  9. There is also avidence that this is seed born disease.
  10. Infection occurs throught roots.
  11. The fungus enters in 1-3 week old plants and we'll symptoms become visible on 5-6 week old plants.
  12. Secondary infection by conidia is rare.

Cotton wilt disease Management or control 

  1. Field sanitation
  2. Crop rotation
  3. Mixed croping 
  4. Disease resistance varieties 
  5. Amendment of soil with proper amount of nitrogen and potash fertilizer and the micronutrients like zinc then plant will be prevent disease.

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